Rainer Kirberg

rainer kirberg

Rainer Kirberg was born in 1954. He studied painting, movie, history of art and philosophy at the Kunstakademie and the Universität Düsseldorf. After a few experimental and storytelling short films, he wrote and directed three extraordinary feature films for the ZDF in the series „Kleines Fernsehspiel“. In his movies, Kirberg was also responsible for production, equipping/architecture, camera and cutting as well. Besides the movies, he realized several artistic works since the 1970s operating with the methods of film, room installation and performance. Kirberg directed various music video clips for the german and international independent music scene. He works as an author and script editor for TV series. He’s a member of the german association for script editors.

Rainer Kirberg worked with several actors in his projects, to name a few: the french movie star Tcheky Karo („Nikita“), and the famous german actors Erwin Leder („Das Boot“), Christoph Eichhorn („Zauberberg“) and Peter Lohmeyer. He worked together with renowned theatre actors like Matthias Fuchs ans Josef Ostendorf. Even outrageous international artist took part in his projects: the rockabilly independent legend Tav Falco as well as Dali muse and Discoqueen Amanda Lear and the underground movie legend Kenneth Anger.


1969- 1972 short films "Black out", "Abfall", "Black Angel's Death Song" amongst
other films

1973- 80 documentary works, short films like "Gestern abend", "Kurz davor",
"Der Plan (die Welt ist schlecht)"

1981 feature film „Die letzte Rache“, ZDF / Das Kleine Fernsehspiel

1984 feature film „Grottenolm“, ZDF / Das Kleine Fernsehspiel

1989 feature film „Schatten im Zenit“, ZDF / Das Kleine Fernsehspiel

1998 "Programm", seven short films about the history of TV reception, in
cooperation with the US artist Fareed Armaly


1984 works as a film architect in ther exhibition "Con Rumore", Rotterdamse

1986/1987 Performance "Je härter die Kraft, desto weicher der Schmerz“ in „Nur für eine Nacht“ and „Ars longa, vita brevis“, Kunstverein Hamburg, and „Performance und kein Ende“, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

1991 works from the 1970s in „Brennpunkt 2“, Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf

2000-2002 The Melrose Plays“, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Neuer Aachener
Kunstverein, K 21 Düsseldorf
Performance „BLUTROTEROSE“, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

2002 works from the 70s and early 80s in „Zurück zum Beton“, Kunsthalle

2003 Installation „3“ in „The Fate Of Alien Modes“, Secession Wien

2005 Diptychon „überfahrt“ in „Zur Vorstellung des Terrors: die RAF-Ausstellung“,
KunstWerke Berlin and Neue Galerie im Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz


The treatment for the teenager drama "Der Himmel" recieved the price for best script from the minister for culture of Nordrheinwestfalen. The book for the romantic comedy "Seijaku- die Stille" was suggested from the association of german script authors for the script price of the ministry of internal affairs (today: german script price)

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